“If you’re going to live, leave a legacy. Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased.”-Maya Angelou

A legacy is something left behind that represents your life, values, memories, and love you pass down to future generations. A lasting legacy is something that continues to exist after you. By planning now, you can be certain of your impact on the future of opera. What a gift to give yourself and your family and friends. The Opera Steamboat Legacy Society is your chance to share your passion for opera and classical music through your financial and estate plans.

Whether you use cash, appreciated securities/stock, real estate, partnership interests, life insurance, a retirement plan, etc., the benefits of funding a planned gift will help Opera Steamboat continue to bring the thrill of opera to our audiences for generations to come.

For more information about the Legacy Society and what language to include when designating your gift to Opera Steamboat, please contact Julie at julie@operasteamboat.org

Opera Steamboat enriches the well-being of our community through innovative, educational, and collaborative musical arts programs.